Apr 01, 2012 19:25
na·ive [nah-eev] * I beleive this is an example of a loaded word *
Origin: 1645-55; < French, feminine of naïf, Old French naif - natural, instinctive *ext.-rustic, born, innate* < Latin nātīvus native
1.having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous (NOT INGEN-I-OUS, which shows genius and ingenuous as obsolete in a third point definition)
2.having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous(def.-willing to believe or trust too readily, especially without proper or adequate evidence; gullible.-) She's so naive she believes everything she reads. He has a very naive attitude toward politics.
3.having or marked by a simple, unaffectedly direct style reflecting little or no formal training or technique: valuable naive 19th-century American portrait paintings.
4.not having previously been the subject of a scientific experiment, as an animal.
Add.1. a. having or expressing innocence and credulity; ingenuous
b. ( as collective noun; preceded by the ): only the naive believed him
2. artless or unsophisticated
3. lacking developed powers of analysis, reasoning, or criticism: a naive argument
4. another word for primitive
Synonyms: unsuspecting, artless, guileless,(def. (guile) -insidious* intended to entrap, stealthily treacherous or deceitful, operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect*, cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception) duplicity, candid, open, plain.
BTW, in regard to the first-third and additional second definition point and one of the listed synonyms: In our "present" day, it would be an extreme correlation to infer that because one has little or no formal training that the same person may be artless. I accept no such correlation and believe the opinions about artlessness to be a very personal perception. and what is sophisticated anyway?
so·phis·ti·cat·ed [suh-fis-ti-key-tid] * amazing! *
1.(of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc.) altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise; not naive: a sophisticated young socialite; the sophisticated eye of a journalist.
2.pleasing or satisfactory to the tastes of sophisticates: sophisticated music.
3.deceptive; misleading.
4.complex or intricate, as a system, process, piece of machinery, or the like: a sophisticated electronic control system.
5.of, for, or reflecting educated taste, knowledgeable use, etc.: Many Americans are drinking more sophisticated wines now.
When I was younger certain people would say to me, "you are being naive", or "that's naive". I have known from early on, if not the day I was born, that humans lie often and about almost anything. However I did not feel the need to explain to people (who did not seem to believe the same as me) that an equal possibility existed of truth telling with an attitude of ultimate confident reverence. So I would just disagree and vehemently explain, "I am not being naive!" (and think to myself, there isn't a name yet for what I am "being". and actually ~being~ does not need a descriptor it just ~is~, you know?) This belief opposed the arrogant anxious mask of confidence that is lying and the associated thoughts when enacted into life. It is ignored by one-sidedness and those who fear or dislike opposition. Though this constant(and in my life prominent) possibility of lying existed the inner unspoken knowledge told me an equal would have to be as viable in view of the balance of nature.
To this I would add: my older self insight says to my younger self, it is ok that you wanted to trust people even though you knew definitively that in general there is much activity motivated by lies and deceit, in fact is is admirable. It is an admirable compassionate quality. And that now you are free to move out of the idea you may have had, that to participate you had to belong and fit into a recognizable mold of this system. A system that auto corrects your truth to fit into its pre-set dominating theme and currently accepted limited scope of functionality and necessity. Shoving and quieting that which did not match. Somehow these summarizations of experiences may have made you think or feel you were doomed to "being" somewhere on the lonely, miserable spectrum of deceit and dishonesty, seeming faraway and unconnected to the veritable and the genuine and personal reality, unable to control or influence much the way you were perceived by your world. Well now you will see much more and grow in recognition of your control and influence!
Peoples brains are wired to find patterns and when they do they often get a bit stuck in them. Where then does the fascination come from to study human and other animals impulses to find different ways of doing the same "tasks"? What is it that gathers our attention so strongly about ingenuity and is often the same force that shuts down new growth and efforts to change? When did we become afraid of simple and basic differences? I would venture, it was when people somehow lost part of their ultimate functioning.
So to find a pattern within a pattern and to find complex relationships... to be continued...
basic differences,