Switching Back

May 16, 2014 11:08

I found out how to switch my LJ home page, etc., back to the way it was! This didn't completely change EVERYTHING back but most of the annoying stuff is gone. I'm sure it will be back permanently later on, but meanwhile, if anyone else wants to know:

Go to the home page (livejournal.com) and up at the top right there should be a magnifying glass icon. If there is a question mark in it, click on that and it might say "switch back." I dunno . . . for me, I had to click on the EMPTY SPACE to the LEFT of that magnifying glass and then I got a pull-down menu (I hate pull-down menus!) that allowed me to click on "switch back to the old version." Well, hooray for now. By the way, I learned all this by reading a friend's English translation of a post about this in Russian. Apparently the LJ Overlords no longer care about us English-speaking users.

Yeah, I know I haven't written much here lately. But I've been reading.


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