The Chakra Test

Jun 28, 2009 00:38

Your result for The Chakra Test...

The Leader

The "Solar Plexus (Navel) or Yellow Chakra" is where the energy for your self esteem and individuality originates from. It is located in the stomach area. And this is the chakra which is most developed in you at this time.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is open, you find yourself in control, confident, with a sense of purpose and self esteem

Depending on your percentage score, there is always more room for development. When this chakra is under-active, you may become timid, passive and indecisive and don't end up getting what you want. If over-active and out of balance with your other chakras, you may tend to become domineering and even aggressive.

What is most important is to find balance amongst all 7 chakras. Have a look at what percentages you scored on the others and work to increase their power and balance with each other.

Root Chakra: 65% Passion, Sacral(Spleen) Chakra: 94% Desire, Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra: 100% Purpose, Heart Chakra: 56% Balance, Throat Chakra: 89% Expression, Third Eye Chakra: 18% Imagination and Crown Chakra: 65% Spirituality!

"Solar Plexus" Key Words: Personal Power, Will, Knowledge, Wit, Laughter, Mental Clarity, Humor, Optimism, Self-Control, Curiosity, Awareness

"Solar Plexus" Attributes: Color - Yellow Sense - Sight Element - Fire Seat - Subconscious emotion, ego, will

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