Friends Only (Mostly)

Dec 21, 2030 23:59

I had a Thinking Blogger Award that I was displaying here, but the link went dead and I have no idea how to find a new image to replace it. Ah well, I am proud to have won the award. EDIT: Someone special tracked it down for me. The Thinking Blogger Award was apparently started by this blogger in this entry, and was awarded to me on March 17, 2007, by this blogger in this entry, except I was distracted at the time, and failed to follow up with the required post in which I was supposed to award further Thinking Blogger Awards. Sue me.

Anyway, if you want me to add you, please leave a comment. I would like to have a few more LJ friends. I prefer friends who POST once in a while!

If you don't add me back, I will probably delete you from my friends list pretty quickly. I've had a few people ask to be added who never added me back, and it just plain makes me nervous. Sorry, that's just how I am!

Also, if you find you have been removed from my friends list without explanation, it is most likely because you never post anything, you never comment, you and I don't know each other in person, and I may even have forgotten who you are or why you are on my list. Just comment again and ask to be added back.

Effective immediately, all comments on this post are screened. I may unscreen briefly to answer your comment, but then I'll rescreen everything.
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