I Didn't Realize I Had an Inner New Yorker, But I Guess I Do Now!

Oct 23, 2008 16:20

You Belong in Soho

Although you may not be a professional artist, you do dabble in one form of art or another.

And you [shouldn't there be a verb here?] indie culture of all kinds - from little boutiques to art house films.

Where Should Your Inner New Yorker Live?

Actually, I've known for a long time that part of the attraction I have for B is that he grew up in NYC and knows his way around the city, feels at home there, is very street-wise, etc. Of course, B finds it absurd that I find that attractive in him. As for me, I really like certain aspects of city living (and did it for many years in a very small big city -- Washington DC). My problem with it is that it's noisy. I also didn't like that I couldn't escape easily to nature and the countryside. I wouldn't have that problem these days now that I'm a little better off, financially, and could escape frequently. I keep telling B that when he and I live together, we should have a little apartment in the city and a little house in the country, and live in the apartment during the work week and escape to the country on weekends and holidays. That sounds ideal to me. Of course I live in the frikking SUBURBS right now. Eh -- they're not so bad. But they are kind of culturally inert and devoid of wildness.


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