Jul 14, 2012 09:42
Deep sigh of relief. A weekend off! It's been a tough couple of weeks at work, but I'm looking forward to my boss coming back from vacation on Tuesday. And the week after that my new co-worker starts!
We started Sammy on solid foods last week and he's doing well. Initially I planned to make his baby food, but with the heat wave there was no way I felt like cooking anything and Babies R Us had a nice sale on organics, so I stocked up. Now that its cooler I should really get into a cooking routine not just for him but for us. Neither Dan or I cook a lot. I used to like to cook on my days off, but like so many things, its different with a baby. It becomes a challenge to do anything that I cannot step away from every few minutes.
I love my little guy so much! A lot of people tell us what a happy baby he is and it's true. He really only fusses if he needs something or at night when we try to put his to bed. There are so many conflicting theories about babies and sleeping. Some people say you should let them "cry it out" and others say you should always respond to your baby when he cries. Most nights he's asleep by 8:30 but there is usually some crying/picking him up/nursing before then.
This weekend Dan and I are talking about moving him into the crib in his room. I'm not all that unhappy about his sleeping in his pack 'n play in our room, but the crib is roomier and he'll have to be in there eventually. We do put him down for naps there on most days. We also need to do some babyproofing around the house because while he isn't crawling, he is surprisingly mobile when he rolls around or scoots.