In the past week..

Dec 15, 2009 10:42

....much has happened, to the point of it not feeling like a week, but at least two or more. Or it could be 'holiday relativity' striking hard, whichever best suits you.

Wednesday: Got up early, assisted Scott with the dropping off of his car at Sevy's, drove myself to Tatnall for Interview #1 - met the teacher I'd be replacing, met Mr. Steve, got a short tour of where I'd be, told what I'd be doing, approximately when I'd start/finish, and so on. I'll expound more on Tatnall at some other point. Went home, changed, tidied, picked kids up from CA (and Scott from Work), went home again, taught lessons, Scott called the Vet about Loki (since we were now on Day 4 of not being able to keep any food down, Hypoallergenic or otherwise), picked Scott's car up at night, then bed.

Thursday, took the cat up to Lantana at 9:30ish, Dr. Lon was seeing Loki's case for the first time, so he spent a good bit of the visit looking at his charts and catching up. Loki wet into 'vet annihilator' mode almost immediately, and I feel badly all around for that...he's normally a very sweet cat (as many of you can attest), but when he gets to the vet, he associates it with pain now because for the past six months (at least), every time he goes there he gets poked, prodded, and a couple of shots (on average). So he was not a happy kitty and Shirley had to towel him almost immediately :(

So, after some poking and prodding, Dr. Lon wanted to take an X-ray, and so we would get the most bang for our buck, he wanted to do with Barium to see more things better. Yay, whatever, fix my cat. [sic]. They sedated him (free of charge; they wanted to keep all their fingers, too) and I left without him. They called me around 1 (right as I was making lunch for me and Adria (she came over to watch a movie and hang for a bit), talked at me for about 15 minutes, and we went to collect him after eating. But alas, Jenn said that he was too googly to release, so I wasted 40 minutes in the car to come home sans feline once more. Said my adieus to Adria (she had to go study), and I futzed around for a half hour before doing my pickup from CA. One of the computer teachers TOTALLY came through for me and I now have a disc with all of my documents from my CA computer. Holla. Thursday night was concert #1 for FSSB and I think it went well up at Ingleside. Talked and caught up with Darryl a bit more....haven't seen him since we were in All-State many, many moons ago.

Friday was errands and extra lessons for the All-State Hopefuls, the second FSSB concert (to which Scott and the Mama came to), AND I got to see Carolle Humphries again. I've really missed him - apparently he got married in May as well! Imagine that! NCCCB starts back up at the end of January, and I may just go join them at least for the spring season. It would be nice to see all 3 Als again, too. Mom had coupons so she took Scott and I out to dinner at Ruby Tuesday's after the concert, and that was very very nice. She and I split a surf'n'turf (she's allergic to the surf part), and it was delicious. Had also finally had it with Kelly Services and called them about my ID and passcode to sign into the Kass system; they gave it to me, but were not very nice about it, considering it's all their errors. Whatever. I can work now....and there's all of what, 3 days left to work before break and now i have to make a bunch of cookies? Right. Thanks.

Saturday...Scott worked on fixing the mud patch on the side of the driveway, I had two handbell performances scheduled. Went to the first one up at the Elsmere Library (another new performance venue for us), and it was 'alright', everybody else was concerned at the number of their errors, but I played well. Went straight from Elsmere down to Bear; I was riding with Jeff and Lauren, and David hitched in as well because we were intending to hit up Chick-fil-a for lunch (which was also delicious), and as we were eating in the library parking lot (partly because we were starved and partly to aviod helping with the schleppage), Bruce called and told us to just go back to the church. Apparently the person in charge of booking us at the library didn't fill out an invoice so we weren't on the calendar and subsequently weren't going to get paid. So we said 'see ya' and left. We play this weekend every year; the past two years at least I've had to go straight from All-State auds in Dover up to the Bear Library (conveniently located right off Rt. 1) to perform. But whatever; I'll take my afternoon off with thanks. Went to my mother's house and copied out at least a dozen different recipes, from Lasagna to Buttercream Eggs, to Chicken in Wine, and a plethora of Christmas cookie and candy recipes. Went home to the hubby who was dying on the couch in pain from wrestling with the driveway (and taking his mom shopping). Copped out and ordered Pizza for dinner, and I baked Amee's Birthday Cake and mixed the icing before going to bed.

Sunday morning, Scott got up early to finish the driveway before the rain came down (so he was up at like, 5:30), then he came back to bed and we had some snuggletime; Scott was zonked but I was up and ready to go, so I worked on icing Amee's cake; showered and went to Brunch at Klondike Kate's with Rideout and Jen around 10:30, got home, put some finishing touches on the cake, Mom came over and we carpooled to the Newark Library (in the continuing monsoon) for the FSR performance du jour (which also went well), dropped Tracey off at the Deerpark because she was covering someone else's shift, then Mom and I went to BJs and Shoprite to get cookie baking supplies, aaaaand....then I came home, added one last detail to the cake, sat down, and started feeling ill. Then Scott started feeling ill. So we were just immobile on the couch for a bit (and felt bad about bailing on Amee's pre-birthday dinner at Homegrown), but we went over and joined them for the unveiling of the cake, some cake nommage, and I patched Amee's pants while we watched the Eagles game and learned about Sugar Gliders. Scott's Dad had said that there was a display at the mall near the old Wannamaker's store that was leaving on the 14th. I was the only one who had heard of them before, and we looked them up on the website and YouTube...Amee's with me in that she thinks they're adorable, Scott thinks it'll be a cat nom, Christy's freaked out, and Ryan is Switzerland. After Amee's pants were patched, we left and pretty much zonked.

Yesterday was my 2nd interview up at Tatnall, which went well. I went in at 9:30 and stayed until about 1:30, observing classes, following her schedule, got a free lunch, saw Christina again, it was a good day. Got home and Jeanmarie was inquiring about tapping me for her maternity leave from Independence, and if the timing works out right, I'll have solid work from January to June, at least. Then, if I get a fulltime job, I probably won't start getting paid until August, so I'm going to really be whoring myself out private-lesson wise starting in April. Woo summer lessons!! Came home, futzed around a bit, worked on painting the piggies some more, had two of my lessons for the day cancel on me, taught the one, went to dinner with Amee, Ry, Trish, Nick, her parents, and her parent's friends at Potstickers, then Amee, Ry, Scott, and I went to the mall to check out the Sugar Glider display...and they are still really cute. I think I'm going to get myself one a couple of paychecks into whatever new job I get.

As for's been alright so far. Got up around 8:45, cleaned up the kitchen to prepare for the making of goodies, and as I was cleaning the sink, there was an awful grinding sound from the disposal. Apparently one of my decorator tips fell in there and was destroyed. While I'm upset that I did something so stupid, I'm very relieved that it was the 79-cent decorating tip that was broken and not the $200 disposal. My first disposal casualty. *sigh*. I have two errands to run - BJs for some small things forgotten whenI went with mom on Sunday, Borders for a surprise for someone, and then home for making things, lessons, and then a FSR performance down at the Appo library.

Tomorrow: I have a 1/2 day subbing at good ol' Newark High, Lessons, and major making of things.

Thursday: I will find out one way or the other about the Tatnall gig, major major making of things, lessons, Cantata rehearsal with Marybeth.

Friday: Major making of things/finishing? Hopefully?

Saturday: Cantata rehearsal in the AM, Decorating the house come hell or high water, Bob and Robin's party at night.

Sunday: Cantata performance in the AM, FSR performance in the afternoon

Monday: Should work this day. really should. Sending/finishing cookies if not done yet. FSR performance in the evening.

Tuesday: Working this day come hell or high water. Off FSR rehearsal @ night - yaaaay! Nachos at Kate's, Anyone?

Wednesday: Off whether I want to be or not; FSR final performance @ Longwood Gardens - we perform from 7-8; if you get a timed ticket, make sure you're allowed in before our performance or you will be sad. Admission to LG gets you into the performance as well - we'll be in the conservatory.

Thursday: panic time? Maybe? I know what I need to do, I haven't forgotten anything (I think), I just need to buckle down and do it all.

Friday: christmas, with the usual 8 invitations in opposite directions. Bah.

So, friends, if I'm unable to update again (at length), here's my general whereabouts, and a Merry Christmas/Happy Channukah/Happy Kwanzaa/Joyful Yule to you all.

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