Today was St George / Sant Jordi so the Ramblas has been extra full of roses yesterday and today... Here is a small sample. I'll post more but I can't be bothered to reduce the size of all of them...
Why roses? Especially, red, but I like the other colours, red is so typical... Legend has it that Saint George killed a dragon that was going to eat up a virginal princess. From the blood of the dragon grew a rosebush with roses the colour of the dragon's blood. It's traditional to give girls a red rose on this day. In the early 20th century booksellers wanted to have a day to encourage reading. They chose Miguel de Cervante's birthday, the 7th of October. That didn't have much sucess because of the weather amongst other things... So the changed it to Cervante's deathday, that coincides with Shakespeare's. It's traditional to give boyfriends/husbands/SOs a book. Today the Ramblas was full of roses and books, but I prefer to take pictures of flowers. Anyway, that was yesterday, it was impossible to walk on Ramblas today...