I'm either New York or Paris... Only one question is the difference, the one on food. My answer would be "something I'm sure I'd like" but there wasn't that option.
You Belong in New York City
You're an energetic, ambitious woman.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer.
What City Do You Belong In? My cousin is coming from Rome tonight, and my best friend is going to New York tomorrow. Well, she's actually going to San Diego first and in a week she'll go from San Diego to New York. She'll live and study dance there till June. My cousin is just staying for the holidays. I say that because the possible results were London, New York, Paris and Rome. You know I've been to Paris and I love Paris, and I go to London quite often. My cousin keeps insisting that I should go to Rome and that I'll fall in love with that city as soon as I go there. I want to go to all of those cities...