2nd time watching "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Aug 31, 2003 02:43

Well, today I woke up at my friend Irene's and Alba and Irene were not there and Conny was asleep. I left and decided to go and say hello to Frank from The Elephant bookshop and pop round and see if Deirdre was here. On the way to Deirdre's from The Elephant this girl tried to mug me and was saying she was ging to kill me. It´s weird because now it seems like a joke to me but when it happened I was nervous and scared, I just went to the Telepizza nearby to calm down for a bit and to make sure she went away before going on to Deirdre's. Whatever happened to my nice, central but not too dodgy neighbourhood? And it was broad daylight as well, the girl looked like a junky. Reminds me there was a murder in my block of buildings some time ago... It's not usually that dodgy though.
After calming down I went over to Deirdre's straight and proud. Just chatting about silly things and we decided to go and watch "Pirates of the Caribbean" this evening, being fussy and English-speaking as we are, it had to be in original version.
After that I went walking home and later went over to idonnotfeel's flat. She's lovely, she gave me pretty earrings for my birthday, but that's not the only reason why she's lovely. We watched "Princess Mononoke", I couldn't help drawing parallelisms between the relationship of Sun and the boy-I-can't-remember-his-name and the relationship between Lyra and Will in "His Dark Materials", both are separated because they belong to different worlds...
After that it was of to watch Pirates... My impressions are:
1 - Jack Sparrow absolutely rules.
2 - Will Turner is too typical soppy hero, but Orlando Bloom looks soooooooooo HOT.
3 - Makes me think of "La Canción del Pirata" by Espronceda, here it is for those who know Spanish and can be bothered to read it. It's basically about piracy being freedom, I had to learn the beginning by heart for Spanish class.

On another note I should change my icons, I'm a bit bored of them and I want one in which I'm cheerful. In the ones I've got I'm gloomy/serious, depressed and hairy, the hairy one in the one that means cheerful for me. I'm on holiday now and I feel cheerful as in grinning like a complete t00b way.


La Canción del Pirata

Con diez cañones por banda,
viento en popa, a toda vela,
no corta el mar, sino vuela,
un velero bergantín:
bajel pirata que llaman,
por su bravura, el Temido,
en todo mar conocido
del uno al otro confín.
La luna en el mar riela,
en la lona gime el viento,
y alza en blando movimiento
olas de plata y azul;
y va el capitán pirata,
cantando alegre en la popa,
Asia a un lado, al otro Europa,
y allá a su frente Estambul:

"Navega, velero mío,
sin temor,
que ni enemigo navío,
ni tormenta, ni bonanza
tu rumbo a torcer alcanza,
ni a sujetar tu valor.

Veinte presas
hemos hecho
a despecho
del inglés,
y han rendido
cien naciones
sus pendones
a mis pies."

Que es mi barco mi tesoro,
que es mi Dios la libertad,
mi ley, la fuerza y el viento,
mi única patria, la mar.

"Allá muevan feroz guerra
ciegos reyes
por un palmo más de tierra;
que yo aquí tengo por mío
cuanto abarca el mar bravío,
a quien nadie impuso leyes.

Y no hay playa,
sea cualquiera,
ni bandera
de esplendor,
que no sienta
mi derecho
y dé pecho
a mi valor."

Que es mi barco mi tesoro,
que es mi Dios la libertad,
mi ley, la fuerza y el viento,
mi única patria, la mar.

"A la voz de «¡barco viene!»
es de ver
cómo vira y se previene
a todo trapo a escapar;
que yo soy el rey del mar,
y mi furia es de temer.

En las presas
yo divido
lo cogido
por igual;
sólo quiero
por riqueza
la belleza
sin rival."

Que es mi barco mi tesoro,
que es mi Dios la libertad,
mi ley, la fuerza y el viento,
mi única patria, la mar.

¡Sentenciado estoy a muerte!
Yo me río;
no me abandone la suerte,
y al mismo que me condena,
colgaré de alguna entena,
quizá en su propio navío.

Y si caigo,
¿qué es la vida?
Por perdida
ya la di,
cuando el yugo
del esclavo,
como un bravo,

Que es mi barco mi tesoro,
que es mi Dios la libertad,
mi ley, la fuerza y el viento,
mi única patria, la mar.

"Son mi música mejor
el estrépito y temblor
de los cables sacudidos,
del negro mar los bramidos
y el rugir de mis cañones.

Y del trueno
al son violento,
y del viento
al rebramar,
yo me duermo
por el mar."

Que es mi barco mi tesoro,
que es mi Dios la libertad,
mi ley, la fuerza y el viento,
mi única patria, la mar.
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