May 13, 2005 17:57
so mom had me doing yardwork, right up until thirty minutes before i had to leave, so i scarfed down a salad and headed to the beach, got to work and that was fine, but the yardwork was hell... first of all, we have recently aquired 5 azalia*sp? bushes. and my mother has decided to plant these in the most retarded places, two of them are practically in the middle of the side yard, with no real reason to be there. so i bust my ass and we get these things planted, and then that poor snake, just lying there, mind his own business, not poisonous or anything, catches my mom's eye, and what does she decide, she wants me to kill it. The poor thing didn't deserve it. the only thing i had at that point and time was a rake, and it didn't even work right, i had to stun it with rake and then go get a shovel and kill it the rest of the way. and the entire time i was just wondering what was going through the poor thing's head. "Ah, nice sun... ow what the hell, i can't move, why? what's going on..." it took me ten minutes finally finish the job, and by the end, i was in tears, and when i went to tell mom how it happened, and how sorry i felt for it, she just said, "oh well, please, don't tell me, i don't want to hear it." YOU GAVE THE FUCKING ORDER FOR ITS DEATH!!!!!!!!! and you "don't want to hear it"?!?! i should have had it taped and forced her to watch it. if you give the order to kill something, you should be able to, nay, forced to hear every detail of its death. and the entire time i was thinking, "If she wasn't so obsessed with planting those fucking bushes, she wouldn't have been outside, she wouldn't have seen it, and that poor creature would be alive now. it was completely innocent, not bothering anyone, not getting in the way. it was no threat, and it was killed brutally by my mother's paranoia. It deserved better. damn my mother. damn her to hell.