bored on hump day.

Jul 23, 2003 13:07

[ Current Clothes ] ripped up black tank-top, and dirty jeans.
[ Current Mood ] stomach hurts.
[ Current Music ] n*e*r*d.
[ Current Taste ] cigarettes and diet coke.
[ Current Hair ] thrown back in a pony tail.
[ Current Annoyance ] stomach.
[ Current Favorite Artist ] the parliment funkadelics.
[ Current Desktop Picture ] random sillyness.
[ Current CD in CD Player] portishead - dummy.
[ Current DVD in player] spirited away.
[ Current Refreshment ] diet coke.
[ Current Worry ] i think my cat has cancer.

[ You Touched ] matt.
[ You Talked to ] mum.
[ You Hugged ] matt.
[ You Instant messaged ] i don't do that too much anymore.
[ You Yelled At ] it's been a long time, i just don't get upset and yell at people.

[ Food ] thai.
[ Drink ] wine.
[ Color ] blue.
[ Album ] it's ridiculous to think of putting that question.
[ Shoes ] red saucony jazz.
[ Candy ] whatever is chocolate.
[ TV Show ] courage the cowardly dog -or- family guy.
[ Movie ] fight club. spirited away. great expectations. plus about 200 more.
[ Dance ] whatever the music makes me do.
[ Song ] monster - steppenwolf. disconnected - veruca salt. portishead - wandering star...
[ Cartoon ] well, that goes back to tv shows, but i also like trigun, cowboy bebop, basically a lot of animaes.

[ Understanding ] i try to be.
[ Open-minded ] indeed.
[ Insecure ] i have my days, but not usually.
[ Interesting ] some might say.
[ Random ] you can't be me, i'm a rockstar.
[ Hungry ] no.
[ Friendly ] i like people.
[ Smart ] der.
[ Moody ] no, for the most part i'm always chillin.
[ Childish ] can be, but i try not to.
[ Hard working ] if i want to be.
[ Organized ] other than my bedroom, yes.
[ Healthy ] trying to reach it, but not there yet.
[ Emotionally Stable ] yes.
[ Shy ] sometimes.
[ Difficult ] no.
[ Attractive ] .
[ Bored Easily ] yeah, but it has more to do with my short attention span.
[ Messy ] i like being messy.
[ Thirsty ] no, but thank you.
[ Responsible ] ummm, well, sometimes.
[ Obsessed ] no.
[ Angry ] i used to be an angry person, but not anymore.
[ Sad ] about somethings.
[ Happy ] about other things.
[ Hyper ] no.
[ Trusting ] yeah.
[ Talkative ] i can be.

[ Kill ] no one comes to mind.
[ Slap ] hoes.
[ Look Like ] i want christina aguilera's body, but that has nothing to do with me looking like her.
[ Talk To Offline ] people.
[ Talk To Online ] no one.

[ Pictured your crush naked? ] a der!
[ Been in love ] current.
[ Cried when someone died ] yes.
[ Lied] yeah.

[ Coke or pepsi] coke.
[ Flowers or candy] flowers.
[ Tall or short ] tall.

[what do u notice first?] hair, facial features.
[last person u slow danced with] matt.
[worst question to ask] ?

[makes u laugh the most?] friends.
[makes you smile] matt.
[makes you blush] matt.
[has a crush on u?] doesn't matter.
[is easiest to talk to] matt.

[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] no
[save aol/aim conversations] no.
[wish u were a member of the opposite sex] no, i like it the way it is.
[cried because of someone saying something to you] i'm with john with that whole sticks and stones policy.

[fallen for your best friend] i'm in love with liz, she's the love of my life. we just don't ever see each other anymore.
[been rejected] i don't throw myself in the path of rejection.
[been cheated on] here and there, it sux.
[cheated on someone] there was mad confusion this one time, but it was more like a psycho ex-bf that wouldn't accepted the fact that i dumped his crazy ass. chills down my spine.
[done something you regret] ate ice cream before i went to bed one night, bad idea.

[could u live without the computer?] yes.
[color ur hair] i went through the "dye my hair every colour of the rainbow" pfase a while ago.
[ever get off the damn computer] hardly on.
[habla espanol] non, je ne parle pas espangol. je parle fancais.
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] i don't know.
[like watching sunrises or sunset] i like watching both, but sunrise is a little more rare for me to see.
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?] emotional.

[of guys I have kissed?] who actually keeps count?
[of girls I have kissed?] again, who actually keeps count?
[of continents I have lived in?] one.
[of tight friends?] between a couple and a few.
[of cd's that I own?] a big number.
[of scars on my body?] i don't count.
[of things in my past that I regret?] a big number.
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