I finally got myself roused enough to head out to the hospital to get the bloods drawn and to pick up the CD of my thyroid ultrasound, after much "don' WANNA"-ness. But the longer I put it off, the longer I put off being able to drink coffee with milk, so that was motivation enough to finally get me going.
It wasn't bad--not much waiting for registration at all, and while the lady was running my paperwork, I was able to run back and let the lady in radiology know that I was there to pick up the CD.
This whole privacy thing is getting pretty nuts.
I had to show picture ID to even get her rolling on it, and verify my birthdate about 17 times, and then I had to sign some papers--which she took and proceeded to fax to someone else to verify my signature!
So I went back to registration while the paper was getting faxed, and by that time she had finished, and I went back to radiology, where we were still waiting for the fax confirmation.
So then I thought, screw this, I'm going to get the bloods done while this is going on. So I went across the lobby to the lab, waited only about five minutes (with a tiny lady delightfully outfitted in a bright red coat and who verified her date of birth as 1912) before I was taken back and stabbed (she couldn't find a vein in my arm--I guess I hadn't drunk enough water before I got there--so I got it in the back of the hand, which everyone bitches about, but I don't mind so much: I prefer it, in fact, to a phlebotomist who is insistent that they can get it out of the arm and goes about it with the same determination and finesse as one would use drilling for oil), peed in a vial, and then went back to get the CD.
Having several things to do made the waiting less tedious, and I really did get out of there pretty quickly--the hospital was deserted for some reason--possibly because, even though the morning was incredibly bright and sunny, the temperatures hovered, both below and slightly above, the freezing mark.
Tonight, for dinner, we are going out to the
Cedar Hollow Inn for our special celebration. We have a gift certificate to use, and it's a place I've always wanted to go, so I'm pretty excited.
I have my mouth all set for lobster ravioli, but we'll see if I can be tempted away from that once I get there....