Swine Flu--Random tidbits

Apr 30, 2009 10:20

Did you know that, back in 1976, during the last swine flu outbreak, only ONE person died of the flu? And he died on a 50 mile hike with his platoon at Ft. Dix, NJ, which he insisted on doing with pneumonia? The 30 other people who died in 1976 died of the vaccination for swine flu. Some folks died, and some folks were left permanently injured as a result of either vaccine-related paralysis or Guillain-Barre syndrome associated with the flu vaccine.

Did you know that, in spite of what Michelle "I'm too crazy to live" Bachmann says, Jimmy Carter was not the president during the last swine flu outbreak? Gerald Ford was. And it has been speculated upon that his widespread and utterly fail vaccination program may have actually thrown the race to Jimmy Carter, because of it's fundamental fuckupitude. So no--Democrats and swine flu have no correlation whatsoever.

Did you know that you can't get swine flu from eating pork? Nope--you can't. And if you don't believe me, you can slide that portion of double-cut chops wrapped in bacon right on over in my direction.

Did you know that those face masks that make you feel so safe are absolutely no help whatsoever in the prevention of the spread of flu? You'd need a respirator. But you probably don't need it if you are taking the general precautions of washing your hands a bunch (sing "Happy Birthday" twice through while you're washing, and you'll know you've scrubbed enough) and staying out of places where people are sick. Like hospitals and doctor's offices, which are the exact places people are going because they're afraid of getting swine flu. If you aren't feeling well, or if you have questions for your doctor, call, don't spread your germy self all over the waiting room, and certainly do not expose yourself to other people's germs by showing up when you're not sick.

Did you know that 13,000 people have died since January--of the REGULAR flu? Compared to seasonal influenza, swine flu is pathetically benevolent.

Did you know that the swine flu can only become pandemic with your help? Yah, it's true. Human stupidity, like insisting on going to work when you're sick because you want to save your time off for going to the beach, or going to the mall when you're sick because Macy's is having a big sale, or insisting on congregating in large groups of people because whatever is going on is more important than getting sick, or not washing your hands or coughing into your sleeve when you are sick, or not canceling that vacation to Mexico because you don't want to lose your deposit is what actually causes the pestilence to spread. So do your part, and use the common sense with which God bequeathed a melon.

Did you know that swine influenza "pandemics" usually occur every 11 years? So we're actually overdue, by about 29 years. And the interesting thing is that what worked then (wash your hands, stay home when ill, avoid large gatherings, stay away from people displaying symptoms) works now, and what didn't work then (untested and potentially dangerous vaccines) doesn't work now.

Did you know that most people do not die of swine flu, and that most people recover completely, just as they would from regular flu?

Did you know that most of the people who die of swine flu do not die of swine flu at all, but of secondary infection, which is much easier to treat than flu, if caught early? Usually it's strep/pneumonia. So rather than try to kill the flu with vaccine, the best thing to do is to avoid it, and, if you can't, treat whatever secondary infections you might have in relation to the flu, because that's what'll kill you.

Did you know that the incubation period for swine flu is one to seven days? So if you went to Cancun last January, and you haven't gotten sick, you're OK.

Did you know that most flu virus is transmitted by coughing and sneezing? While there may be some virus germs on some inanimate surfaces (which could be easily killed off your hands by washing or using hand sanitizer), most virus is spread by spewing on other people from the nose and mouth. So don't. And if some ignoramus does it to you, keep an eye on yourself for one to seven days to see if you develop symptoms, and start beefing up your vitamins and sleep in the meantime.

Did you know that swine flu is around almost every flu season? There have been 12 reported and confirmed cases between December, 2005 and December, 2009. And only 12. Most of which were in people who had direct contact with pigs and most of whom didn't even spread the virus to their own families.

Did you know that, as a bioterrorist weapon, swine flu is a really stupid choice? Because the virus mutates from person to person as it spreads, influenza would be a really poor choice in a bioterror attack. It wouldn't do what a bioterrorist would want it to do, and most people would survive. So unless you're dealing with a really silly bioterrorist who doesn't want to do anything but make people ache, run a fever and cough for about a week, the idea that it might be some kind of attack is kind of outlandish.

Did you know that the reason why swine flu can kill young, healthy people is because their immune systems work too well, and release dangerous levels of cytokine into their systems, which can, in turn, damage their lungs? So while babies and the elderly and people who have compromised immune systems can have serious ramifications to the flu virus, young people can have problems as well, because they are too strong. So the best response is reasonable and normally healthy eating, getting sufficient sleep, reasonable hygiene, and avoiding stress--like the stress you get from worrying about swine flu.

Did you know that your risk of being killed by a lightning strike in the last five years was about 2,300 percent higher than your risk of contracting and dying from the bird/swine flu? Seriously.

So...I guess what I'm saying is...let's all keep our heads about this, eh?

the great swine flu epidemic of 2009

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