
Dec 30, 2008 19:21

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kittehs, finn

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styggian_nights December 31 2008, 02:21:53 UTC
Circing isn't done under anesthesia, is performed against unconsenting children, and has no hard scientific facts backing up its usefulness. The majority is "ew forskin is icky", "i don't want my son to have one when i don't", or "my religion says so."

It's a human rights issue. You are permanently scarring and removing perfectly healthy erogenous and sexual tissue from healthy children without their consent, and those children likely would never have chosen it for themselves as adults.

Neutering does have verifiable pros- reduced aggression in males, reduced desire to roam, reduced animal STIs from mating, it reduces or eliminates the chance of reproductive cancers in both sexes, and mammary cancers in female animals. It also stops animals (usually) from spraying.

Ultimately, though, it's about human rights. Parents don't own children, they are guardians, and as such they should have no right to have non-medically indicated cosmetic surgery performed on healthy children just because they think foreskin is icky, dirty, or looks funny. And "but he might get a uti/cancer/std" later isn't a good enough excuse. Women do too, but no one cuts them up at birth.


anahata56 December 31 2008, 02:26:35 UTC
I was kidding...;-)!

Yeah, I get it, and fortunately my own son doesn't hold it against me that I was brainwashed by the medical community and his dad in making this decision. Hey, I don't have one, so I left the decision in the hands of someone who did. Whether it was a right or a wrong decision took years to figure out, because it took years for my son to be able to tell me.

I smell a poll in this.....


styggian_nights December 31 2008, 02:29:08 UTC
Lmao I wasn't sure. My internet sarcasm meter isn't too good :p

My own mother had plans for me when I was born, since they were expecting a boy. It's about the ONLY reason I have ever been grateful being born female :/

And now I want to be a boy and she's freaking out, heh.


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