Just a hockey mom?

Sep 09, 2008 18:54

If you are thinking that Sarah Palin might not be a bad idea for the country on the basis of the fact that it would be good to have a woman as vice president, and are not yet convinced that Sarah Palin is a little more than "just a l'il ol' hockey mom", and is too incredibly insipid to be a threat...

Go here.

Or here.

Or here.

And while I hate to resort to Wikipedia, they have a fairly tidy explanation of what "Third Wave of the Holy Spirit" is all about.

Sarah Palin belongs to a Neo-Pentecostal, Charismatic cult which is considered, even by some of the most outspoken of evangelicals, as "heretical" in its vehemence, its alleged perpetration of supernatural attacks, and its wackiness. They are the fringe of the fringe in the area of lunacy, and they are more dangerous than you could possibly believe.

And there are people who are about to enter the polling booth that can't see past her pro-life stance, her pretty face and her aw shucks demeanor to understand that she is a woman who believes in concentrated psychic attack against those who would oppose her.

Isn't that what we get accused of? ;-)

But here's the thing--this woman is as much an enemy of Christians as she is of non-Christians...but a lot of Christians don't want to talk about that, because they don't want those secular madmen, Obama and Biden, to take office. They are blinding themselves to the fact that this woman adheres to a doctrine that even they cannot theologically support, just because she wants to keep unwanted fetuses in unwilling wombs and Creationism in science classes and "In God We Trust" on the green stuff enough to vote for her.

But we're not quite that foolish, are we?

Are we?

It's clear that Sarah Palin has declared unashamed and unvarnished spiritual warfare on anyone who falls outside her narrow viewpoint--and that includes Pagans, Atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Catholics....and other fundamentalist Christians. She associates herself with a church that not only disapproves of "these kinds of people", but believes in their total obliteration via forced evangelization and conversion.

Now that she and her cronies have Kenya out of the way, she can now turn her attention, with her newfound national recognition, to eliminating what she doesn't like about America--and what she doesn't like, my friends, is you.

It's clear to me that if we aren't aware of that, and refuse to think with our brains instead of our desire to eliminate gender bias in politics, or, even more horrifically, think that it isn't all that important, then we are about to see a very interesting four years ahead.

The stakes are very high--higher than you can imagine, and a word to the wise is sufficient.

And if I'm preaching to the choir, mea culpa. But it scares me to think that even one person reading this would even dream of casting a vote that would help this woman into a position of power, and I think that sharing these links might even turn your most conservative adversaries a little closer to your way of thinking.

sarah palin, paganism, politics, wicca, head splody

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