I had a day at work that was positively surreal in its insane busy-ness, as well as in the stack of impossibles that needed to be accomplished, like, yesterday. Which is interesting because I won't get what I need to accomplish them until, like, TOMORROW.
I got home, and discovered that the stitch holding one of my husband's drains in place had popped. He is now held together with waterproof tape until we can take an unscheduled jaunt to Bethlehem tomorrow. Fortunately, he's behaving in a way that is remarkably good natured.
As I was waiting for the doctor to call back with some advice as to what to do with a popped drain, my Dad called and said, "I have a job for you." Apparently, my mother broke her lancet device, and he wanted me to look them up on the internet and find out where they could buy one. What I found is that they can't--they can order them online, but they aren't something that are carried as a retail item. My Dad told me that he had been to two drug stores, but nobody carried them. They did, however, offer to order one for him. He said no. So I said that he should call one of them back and have them order one, and let THEM pay the shipping and get one delivered quickly. He said, nah. And then he proceeded to tell me the latest family disasters, and then got off the phone for the night.
It's quarter after seven, and I'm going to find my kitteh and go to bed.