...that the Republicans would sell their mothers to push their own agenda...
Here it is.
To read the body of the legislation, you can go
here, and bear witness to the fact that there is nothing even remotely hidden in this bill that could have caused the shift in the Republican vote, nor could it be even vaguely construed that the bill was drafted to pass some sidecar that would have disturbed the House Republicans.
If you would like to see the tally of the final vote, you can go
here, and be very embarrassed for your Republican representative, should you have the desire to do so.
From the rest of the Washington Post article, it would appear that the House Republicans used this bill to stall the workings of the House, and were prepared to throw Mother's Day out the window for the sole purpose of creating chaos with political shennanigans--and to make sure that the Dems "lack of consideration" for the Republican "preferences" were duly frustrated and punished.
Um, wut?
"Whatever happens in Mississippi, Boehner has enough trouble to preoccupy him here in Washington, where House Democrats have been passing their agenda with little thought for Republican preferences. 'The majority has taken, once again, their go-it-alone policy,' Boehner lamented yesterday. 'It's time for Democrats and Republicans to work together.'
To induce this working together, Boehner decided to stop the House from working at all. As House Democrats tried to pass legislation to ease the mortgage crisis on Wednesday, Republicans served up hours of procedural delays, demanding a score of roll call votes: 10 motions to adjourn, half a dozen motions to reconsider, various and sundry amendments, a motion to approve the daily journal, a motion to instruct and a 'motion to rise.'"
But then again, just to show how woefully confused and panicked the Republicans have become, Boehner explained the outcome of the Mother's Day vote by stating, "Oh, we just wanted to make sure that everyone was on record in support of Mother's Day."
Which the Republicans did by voting against it.
I know that there are those reading here who have no great affection for Mother's Day, and wouldn't mind if it got tossed out the window entirely until the end of all time, but...that's not what this is all about.
What it's all about is the Republicans not being able to take even a single dose of the medicine they dished out for year upon year, when they themselves were in the position of power in the Congress, and not only disregarded the preferences of their Democratic colleagues, but waged war on them.
But now that the American people have spoken by voting them out of the majority, because they themselves were sick of the Republican preferences, it's all about the need for Democrats and Republicans to "work together".
Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine--here comes the waaa-mbulance.
And clearly, it's all about selling your mother to support the poor, persecuted Republican party, whose preferences are being ignored....
I cannot believe that these people still have a job.
Thanks to
eiredrake for bringing this to public attention.