May 15, 2008 17:27
For the last few days, things Chez Moi have been a bit...unsettled. I think that's the appropriate euphemism.
And the unsettledness has been not a little scary, and stressful, and tear-invoking, and gray hair evoking, and stomach-acid-churning....
You get the picture.
I'm not entirely ready to talk about it yet, but I will as soon as I can clear the decks and actually have time to let it sink all the way in.
In any case....
I get Neale Donald Walsch's "I believe God wants you to know" daily emails, and...well...
Yesterday--when the drama was peaking--the newsletter said:
"On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
....that there is no need to be afraid. Even if you were to
die right now, there would be no need to be afraid.
This life, this wonderful life, is on your side. This universe,
this wonderful universe, is in your corner, supporting all
of life. This God, this wonderful God, places Divine
wisdom and power in your hands.
Trust that. Use it. And let it give you strength. Right now.
This day.
You know exactly why you received this message at this moment, don't you...?"
Whoa, right? I mean, yeah--here I was, terrified, and this is what is in my inbox.
Needless to say, I was pretty interested in what God told NDW to tell me today.
So when the email pinged in, I opened it up, and it said:
"On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
....that there is no need to be afraid. Even if you were to
die right now, there would be no need to be afraid."
Now, the deal is, even though I found myself somewhat comforted by the message of yesterday, I was still afraid. So here it is again--ol' NDW's random message generator giving me the high sign that, hey, stupid...I KNOW you're still afraid out there--so cut it OUT!!...
Later, I get another one, and it says...
"God wanted to reaffirm # 43 so he had it sent twice. Now that you have taken that in, here is more for today. Just having fun! He He :)
On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know...
....that someone is extending love to you this day, and
hoping so dearly that you will receive it."
And seriously--it was a day where the drama actually came to a serious head, and where the circumstance really didn't turn out very well....and for some reason, I heard from people I haven't heard from recently, and who didn't know anything about it, and who were just touching base because, you know, it's been awhile...and we care about you and wonder how you are.
And THEN...
E.L. Doctorow (who is one of my absolute favorite novelists) crept into my inbox this afternoon and said:
"It's like driving at night in the fog. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way."
I cried.
It felt so good, I cried.
I do believe in synchronicity, I do believe in synchronicity, I do believe in synchronicity, I do believe in synchronicity, I do believe in synchronicity....