Apr 20, 2008 07:13
Dear Belle's brain,
You know, you've been sitting on your ass in a warm house for nearly five months. You are also not 25 years old anymore--try doubling that. Plus one.
You are used to temperatures under 65F.
You cannot go out in the yard when it is 90F and expect that you can miraculously accomplish the undoing of an entire winter's worth of nature's doing in one day.
And if you try, we're going to have to take serious measures in order to keep you from REALLY hurting yourself. As it was, we only made you faint and shaky for a few minutes, and then reminded you this morning in a very slightly achy way of muscles you forgot you had.
Next time, it could be much worse.
We suggest that you take it a little easier from here on out, and pace yourself until you get your summer body back.
Oh, and get a hat, please.
Okee dokee?
Very sincerely yours,
The Winter Body
P.S. We do thank you for getting the new leaf sucker, in that it works really well and eliminates a lot of the work of leaf raking-and-bagging, but unless you get a gardener, I'm still the one doing the work, OK?
P.P.S. Thanks for the Aleve! That was a really, really good idea!
notes from my body,