Thought I'd share a couple of recent pictures of my garden now that spring is in full force. It has been in the 80s already. I got a shade net up over my plants at last, so hopefully my lettuce will not suffer too much.

Back row, left to right: tomato, marigolds, carrots, broccoli, broccoli, and rosemary
Row two: parsley, tomato, chives, tomato, lacinato kale, broccoli
Row three: marigold, tomato, lacinato kale x 2, beets, lavender, marigold
Front row: cilantro, marigold, more cilantro, summer salad mix, lettuces
There's also a potted mint in the background and three more mint plants of different varieties closer to the house.
The broccoli is still flowering like crazy, but I did pull one of the three out to make room for some ancho peppers (just seeds). My cilantro is growing faster than I can eat it and has officially bolted. The beets are struggling but some are showing some growth. Kale is doing all right. Tomato plants are small but making progress (some fruit already forming!). A couple of lettuces are taking off but most of the seeds sprouted and then stopped. Lavender is coming back to life after looking dead from the freezes.
I'm having a terrible time with fire ants. They are in my garden! I've tried diatomaceous earth and I've tried Orange Guard. They don't seem to like the Orange Guard but they come back within two days. It's driving me crazy.