It's the little things that get you...
- The lightswitches work the opposite way
- The toilets... Everyone knows the flushing thing, but I'd forgotten the fact that the bowl is a completely different shape
- The side of the road you drive on seems to effect everything; I've just about stopped going for the left escalator...
- The culture of service is vry different; IMLE it's much more attentive, but it's also much more pushy
And, about the only thing where I'm happy to make an unequivocal value judgement;
- Not including taxes in the shelf price of an item is just stupid (though maybe someone can give me a good reason for this one...)
I'm starting to understand at a gut level what commentators mean when they talk about the car-dependence of the States; everything (well, that subsection of everything that I've visited in the last couple of days :-) ) is much lower density - much larger lots, both commercial and residential, fewer footpaths, etc.