I guess I'll get back to the world of interwebs

May 23, 2008 01:04

It took me forever to remember what my password was for this site and as a result, I've not written anything since Feb.

Updates: None, really.

Erik started his new job several nights ago as a 3rd shift stocker at a local grocery store.

I'm working my ass off at Walmart as a cashier. I actually like the work because I only have to deal with a few people at a time for 20 minutes at most and it makes time go by pleasantly fast.
I'm also good at what I do, I'm always early, and the managers like me which makes it a pleasant experience.

I had a massive jaw infection which resulted in a fever, jaw swollen and locked shut, and the inability to eat. It resulted in forking over $113 bucks to see a doctor to get antibiotics. I loathe taking any modern medicine if I can help it, but the salt and alcohol just wasn't doing the trick. Also, with a jaw swollen shut, its kinda hard to get at the infected area.

My semester ended well with another round on the deans list. Horray! Now I can be tortured by another round of Chemistry next fall. *gag*
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