Sep 20, 2005 13:40
Just got back from an interview at Cafe Seville, this little coffee shop affiliated w/ the Bryn Mawr Film Institute. I want to work there so bad! The manager looks just like Warren from Against Me!, everyone else seems really nice, it's w/in walking distance, and it just has this really mellow, cool mood. Twould be then I could get good at making coffee and show Adam up. ;) hehe. I don't think I made a good impression, though...I was too quiet/awkward, and a little sweaty, since I walked and it's humid. Plus the open-ended part of the application asked me my favorite movie and why; I said I didn't have a favorite, but Fight Club is up there, and I liked it because I love Palahniuk and it even outdid the book...apparently the Warren lookalike hates Palahniuk. :p Ah, well, he said he liked the movie. So we're hoping anyway...w/in the week I'll know if I get to wear black polo shirts and make lattes. *hope hope*
Good news would be nice, too...I've been in such a goddamn ill humor lately. Nyssa's starting to get to me again...I feel bad, because she's not doing anything specific to piss me off or anything, s'just that everything she does is irritating. And it's not like I can bring it up..."oh, by the way, buddy, would you mind not existing for awhile? It's really starting to get to me..." :p The other day we were watching that model show, and she berated me when I said that I could do it if only I were prettier and photogenic in the least; "You always think you can do everything!" WTF? The prologue to my statement was that I couldn't play dress-up for a living, unless a few prerequisites were met. Whatever, I'll feel better eventually. Maybe it's just the clouds. They tend to make me moody. Fuckers.