Feb 25, 2010 15:48
It has been months but time flies when you have a kid, a job (finally!) and a schedule that is beyond insane. I wake up at 5, get ready, get kid ready, pack kid into car, drive to babysitter, drop her off, drive to work, work, drive to babysitter, pick up kid, drive home, eat dinner (no time to cook so the guilt *sigh*), feed baby, play with baby, put baby to sleep, collapse in bed coz' baby wakes up at night or hubby snores so I cannot sleep so I need to sleep when I can.
This schedule is worsened by the crazy crazy minus dunnowhat weather we are having here. I feel bad for Arya more than for myself. I don't know what it does to a baby's system to be transported so much everyday in this weather..
But the 3 week viral gasterioentitis she is currently fighting is killing my spirit want to work. She is on a nebuliser now.. and I am living on the trust that my babysitter is using it properly on her. I am, for all intents and purposes, living on trust. Trust in the babysitter, trust in God, trust that this is a natural progression of life, one that babies are built to handle. I pray hard that it is so. And that this weekend, finally, our little family will be healed.
I miss home. Here I go again, but really, I feel a disconnect from Singapore that I abhor and wish I could bridge. Working here makes me realise the things I take for granted within the working environments back home. And I hope to God someday, I can return home for a longer period of time than a month or so.
Someday, God will make it happen.