This link above is really funny. Its the statement about tribal soveriegnty made by Bush when at a minority journalist convention. Its hilarious.
Im trying to make the politics Im exposed to these days on the humorous side
So politics aside, Im doing fine. School starts on Monday and I can't wait. Im just looking forward to school so I cannot be bothered and just read.
I dont know. But I should have dumped the water on that skinny bitches head last night at DAda's when she tried to take my bottle water away. But like an asshole I just said, "why?", I really hate Dada.
There was this one time, I was putting up street art on the electrical box and the manager came out and said, "that electrical box is private property, Im going to call the cops if you dont get rid of that."
I was dumb founded, I asked TODD, the manager (that is such a dickish name) anyway I asked if he was aware that dada was an art movement that oppossed the norm, he still insisted. Yeah so I hate that place but I still go there, maybe its a form of self mutilation, or maybe there's just no where else to go or do in this god foresaken town