(no subject)

Aug 05, 2006 22:22

What's in a name? Stolen from raynbow_flyer

1. Are you named for anyone? If so, explain.

My grandfathers: Andrew Yenco and George P. Novak. Andrew George Yenco, that's me.

2. Do you have your children's names picked out already? If so, is there any significance?

No. Well, maybe. I'm not really planning on having children at all right now, so its far from my mind. I'd like to honor my parents or grandparents in some way though.

3. If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been?

Alyssa. My Aunt found out about it, shortly after I was born, and named her first girl that instead.

4. If you could re-name yourself, what name would you pick and why?

If you asked me this as a kid, I would have had a name. Right now? I wouldn't even consider it. My name was given to me to honor my grandfathers and it reminds me of them every day. I loved the both of them very much, more so now that my childhood memories are all that I have of them.

5. Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?

People spell my last name wrong regularly. Apparently Yenco is too difficult for them to remember. It's the slovak equivalent of Johnson. In fact, it used to be Jenco before my great grandfather had it legally changed so people would stop pronouncing his name wrong (stupid british-descended motherfrakkers). Jen = John. Co = son. (incidentally Ca is daughter). I used to wish all the time that we were like everybody else. Now I'm proud of having a different last name.
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