Okay... how disturbing is this:

Mar 24, 2006 16:46

Along with the Adams family (and I'm not talking about the gothic freaks here, I'm talking about our second President's descendents), the Cheney and Bush families and a select few others have been and continue to be the richest in the country and have been since ... well, lets just say a long way back. And coincidentally... those families have the most members to have attended Ivy League universities like Yale. And also coincidentally, they're among the families who have had the most members in political office in the United States.

Well, isn't -that- a coincidence.

Anyone who doesn't see the problem with this situation has to be on some sort of crack... or doesn't give a shit about the ideals that the United States was founded upon.

Let me summarize for those of you who may not get why that first paragraph is disturbing (just for shits and giggles, we'll call you people "mouth-breathers"):

Back in ye olden days of yore, people were ruled by families who claimed descendence from God or a god or that they were given the right to rule by God or the gods. People were stupid. People were treated like shit for millenia upon millenia, but they still believed everything these families had the right to do what they were doing.

Then some smarter people came along and said, "Hey wait a second... we're tired of just doing whatever you say. You aren't giving us any say in how we live our own lives and you're demanding higher and higher taxes from us. ... Fuck you, King-dude!"

So there was a war and the King-Dude's army got flung out with the help of some Froggy Allies.

The morale of the story:

The reason that families like the Bushes, the Cheneys and all those other ones are in power is because they like the King-Dude's family in days of yore, are fucking cheating. Instead of everyone being equal in America, no one is. The rich get richer, they're in charge of our government, our armies and our money. Oh... and the CIA and FBI, so they can illegally investigate you if they think you're a terrorist (without evidence, I might add).

Basically in 200 years of being a country we've gone from being a colonies of an empire with a monarch in charge to be a country of states with a quasi-monarchy in charge. What's that you smell?!?!? Why... its freedom!

**note** I am not advocating wild overthrow of the government. I would, however, like people who are QUALIFIED to be in control of the government, our armies and our money. I refuse to elect another rich man into the position of the Presidency of the United States of America. When people like myself can barely afford to finish school and the children of these MORONS in charge of our country are going to an Ivy League School and wondering which of their 12 cars (that their mommies and daddies bought them) they should bring with them, SOMETHING IS WRONG.

I think organizing is a good idea, though, but I'm a big believer in non-violent protest.

Now, you mouthbreathers... go tap tap tap your little keyboards and click your mouses: go to http://www.google.com and type in Martin Luther King Junior or Ghandi. Read about their struggles to change the world they lived in.

If we let ourselves get sucked in... if we let these manaics run our country into war after war, the United States will cease to be. We are a country with a proud military tradition. But we are NOT the world's peacekeepers.
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