
Jan 01, 2006 21:11

This is one of those posts you may not want to read and might actually be just for my own personal mental health. With that disclaimer so noted, I give you:

Another trip to Cleveland completed and yet again I was nearly killed by some motorists on the road. All guys. All driving SUVs.

For fuck's sake people. I'm 25. I don't want to die. Please stop trying to kill me in your SUVs. Stop cutting me off. Stop speeding. Stop weaving in and out of your lanes. Stop putting people at risk. So help me God, if I ever am injured by one of you pricks, you'd better hope you kill me, because if you don't? I'm so coming after your sorry, old, penis-mobile ass.

On to topic two. I heard this really great little blurb by this guy on NBC, late night just past midnight on the 31st. Unfortunately, I don't remember everything he said. What I do remember is: That there are four things that are most important in life. Of course, I don't remember all four, but two of them were, have someone to love and believe in oneself. I don't think I can properly express in words how he said exactly what I feel. What I'd like to add to that is... that you need to believe in others, too. Not everybody out there sucks. Not everyone is the perfect person. A vast majority, however, are good people, regardless of nationality or religion or driving an SUV.

That is all.
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