_blueberrybagel ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Blueberries, themselves, are good for all sort of baking; muffins, scones, cakes, desserts etc. They're great just on their own or with a little cream and sugar on top.
Writing can be seen in the same light. Writing, when things are going your way -- characters are cooperating, and chapters are running smooth-- can be as delicious. This community will try to make sure your work is like a blueberry bagel - it’ll leave that mm-mm after taste!
Who: People who hope to be published one day should join.
What: A serious writing community where your work will be critiqued. Nothing here will be sugarcoated (if you hope to publish a novel, you better get used to hearing someone’s opinion of your work).
When: Whenever you feel ready.
Why: It’s good to get feedback on your work.
Where: Here!
How: Just join!