Alice and the Pirate - Picnic pictures~~!

Sep 06, 2011 09:08

Hello there~~
Then, I promised I'd post a few more pictures of the Victorian Picnic here, so here it goes~~!

This is the only full-outfit shot I have, I'm with my two best friends <3

They're lovely girls~!!

These are the cucpackes I made that morning~~

We had more cute and delicious food, and also coke in glass bottles... which I tried to open with a sword, haha

Didn't work, though. At least it became a nice picture xD

Oh, there's also the classic lolita + dandy pose I could not miss!!!

I'm glad my friend invited me to pose and take this pic XD
If you notice the picture I was with my friends, you saw I was wearing something bright and blue on my neck ribbon. Remember Titanic??

The Pirate Gentleman gave it to me.

I'm not quite sure about this picture, it shows the cameo I was wearing before.

....About the pirate gentleman, he recently ordered a batch of my cupcakes. I actually bake and sell them, so I was glad to sell them to such a nice person~~
However, when we met, he brought me flowers and chocolate and a poetry. Cute, but not what I was waiting.... Some friends said he's kind of a stalker, so I'm scared to death now >____<
damn it >________<

I'll keep going on our lolita+victorian+steampunk events, though I'll be NEVER going alone on them @_@

lolita, me

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