Cooking, Dad and me

Jun 08, 2013 15:06

My dad is probably one of the healthiest people I know and with good reason - he's careful. He exercises and watches his diet.

So when it comes to one of our great loves (other than History) dessert, he tries to keep it somewhat light.

Dad adds water and powder choc to make sauce for ice cream. Me? I use heavy cream.

Last time we had lunch together I told about the new cookies I'd learnt to bake (snickerdoodles) and his answer was:

"That's great! But don't teach me. I had to throw away the brownie recipe you gave me."

Crazy as it may seem, that was a compliment. He baked the brownie once and he thought it was so easy and tasty he had to get rid of the temptation.

cooking, family, via ljapp

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