Old Ladies

May 02, 2011 11:39

Months ago, I overhead a mother and daughter chatting while walking on the street.

The little girl said something about old ladies being bad and her mother replied it wasn't so. People weren't bad because they were old. The little girl cited Disney as source of such knowledge.

Carrie Goldman (www.chicagonow.com/blogs/portrait_of_an_adoption/2011/04/tangled-up-in-tangled.html) talked about adoption, women and Disney in one of her recent posts.

Until the day I heard that little girl, I had never thought of old ladies as bad. Quite on the contrary. My grandmothers, great-grandmothers (who are now with the Lord), my boyfriend's grand-aunts are lovely ladies. I love these women dearly, they are so sweet, wise, they rejoice with our small victories. These are the old ladies I grew up with.

Are we teaching our kids old people are bad with all these stories? Cinderella, Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty and more recently Enchanted and Tangled.

I hope that little girl has the chance to meet nice old ladies like the ones I know.

life, kids

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