
Jan 15, 2011 01:17

My aunt and I have completely different taste on names. Both times she was pregnant, her list for boys was much longer than for girls. Mine are exactly the opposite. I can't remember one name from the girl list I'd consider giving to a daughter of mine.

Yet, somehow, she manages to use names I like before I have a chance to.

First, my cousin. I had finally settled on a name for a boy that I liked - Davi. Means "beloved", great character from the Bible... But then, my aunt found out she was having another boy and was torn between Davi and Bernardo ("strong as a bear"). She chose Davi.

(Which I quickly got over and soon decided to name my son after my great-grandfather: João Augusto. Now I just have to convince my hubby-to-be. He has agreed to João or Augusto, but not both together.)

Today, my eldest cousin told us my aunt adopted another kitten. Female to our surprise (she says males are easier to handle). The name of the cat? Nina.

One of the names on my list for girls, alongside with Isabel/Isabela, Olivia, Luisa, Julia, Naomi and some others.

Couldn't she have called the cat Kitty or Mimi?

cat, family, names

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