drUnKeN bulletin posts

May 22, 2006 18:02

an intoxicative freehand bulletin post:

I find it hilarious.

adventures in the bushes!@!!!
oranges and toast
cooking pasta roniiii

Julianna Kc Richard and Lori are the shit
Thank God 4 PBR, HRD, and Sauvegnon Blanc wine :))))
we love the males: casey and richard

juliana and lori are ze c oollest fuckaz around, bitchessssssss.

richard aka "the dick" is awesome.

luv lov e loooooooooooooooooooooooooove

"you love love. sit.:"

pasta ronnnnnniiiii is tasty
oranes are flavorsome
and casey really loves that pen.

lofl. i hope that we can make it right.

we are born to make you happyyyyyyy.

always and forever? fuck yo!u hahahha.

lori says, "LOL. HAHHAA"
caseys says, "bwahahaha. slori has a fabulous cocK"

her dick or du ck.

its time for another SHOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.
juliana roks. bitches. woa. she rules!!!

always and forever...

love te passi!

*Pictures are shown chronologically.

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