Jul 24, 2011 08:52
On Facebook, I've liked a group called "Money Saving Mom". It's not just about saving money, it is also about just being a mom (or a parent). One of the admin recently started writing every day about a list of 5 things they plan to accomplish each day. I think it is a good idea, so I've started my own list. While their list varies from day to day, mine is stationary in four of the five. So...here is my list, and let us hope that I can stick to it! I am, as many of you know, a procrastinator, so keeping up with a list might be hard for me...or it might be the best thing FOR me.
1) Mend or make clothing. I have a pile of clothes which need mended, and I wish to fix at least one of those per day, OR take all those millions of pieces of cloth and scraps that I have and make something out of them.
2) Do laundry or dishes. I'm fortunate that I don't have to do both every day, though dishes are sometimes done by my husband and they will take priority. Unless we're all out of underwear!
3) Read a story/sing to Ahvie. I bought her some books on Amazon so she'll have English books here. She's surrounded by people speaking German to her all the time, and I want to keep her English up as well. As for the singing, I recently jammed with my hubby and a few of his musical friends and they all seemed pleased with my singing, so I need to practice for our next jam session. What better way to do that than to sing to my wee one during the day?
4) Enter one recipie into cookbook. We have papers...and papers...and more papers...of recipies we've printed off the internet or written down. We also have a notebook that my husband specifically bought for us to enter our recipies into, once we have them all reworked the way we want them. I'd like to have them all in there by the time we go visit America in September, so we can make some food for our family.
5) Rotating chore. This is what I fill in every day, some random thing that needs to be done that I manage to get done.