
Jul 13, 2010 10:35

was quite hot.  But worse, it was humid and I'm not used to that anymore.  The heat actually wasn't that bad, but it was very sticky.  I just don't have the stamina for that kind of climate.  It's quite exhausting.  Despite that I had a very good time.

I stayed with meddevi while I was there.  It was my first time at their house.  They were gracious hosts, as I expected.  What I did not really expect was just how great a cook that cranky dragon is.  He made a great roast and yorkshire pudding.  The first time in my 50 years that I ate such a thing and I love it!!  The yorkshire pudding, that is.  And much time was spent with said dragon on kitty advice.

She set up a very nice studio space for herself.  I was able to take the morning to stretch and practice my set.  Her studio is set up similar to mine and I felt very comfortable dancing there even though the heat quickly wore me out.  We went to the RISD museum and did a bit of unexpected shopping.  I say unexpected but really what else should I expect?  I like going to museums and galleries with people who are really into it.  Nice talking art with another artist.

The workshops were fabulous!!!  The studio was quite hot, but for some reason I really didn't whine about it... much.  Amel's teaching style is old school.  Put on some music, she danced and we followed.  On occasion, when we were clearly not getting it, she would stop and break it down.  So yeah, learn by osmosis.  The way tribal people actually learn to dance.  Of course, they do have the advantage of learning to dance even as they are learning to walk and talk, but this mode of learning has great advantages.  It reminded me of Victor Anderson actually.  Sit, listen and do.  Sit, listen and do.  And keep doing it until you actually get good at it!

Performances, the ones I got to see, were stellar.  I got to see the entire first half and there were some damn good dancing going on.  I opened the second set and got so damn hot that I just had to throw off my costume and well sweat for about 20 minutes.  I missed the entire second half for it.  It bummed me out, but at one point I thought the heat would make me puke.  I figure it's much more gracious to miss your performance than to puke during it!!!!

And the big surprise for my trip home... Amel and I had the same flight back from Philly to SFO!!!  We arranged to be able to sit together on that flight and had a very nice conversation.  6 extra hours with a master!!!  WOO HOO!!!
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