Jun 30, 2007 01:47
I woke up at 8:45am, got dressed for work, took my dad to work and then off to work myself. Today was really busy and people were very rude. My day didn't start off good at all. I felt rushed, out of place, like I couldn't manage anything I was doing at all. It gets really frustrating when people aren't patient at all. I am only one person and I could only handle one thing at a time. People need to realize that patience is the key...well sometimes...like when they are waiting for me to help them! Hahaha....
I got out of work around 7:30pm-ish...and then went home fell asleep on the couch..when all of a sudden around 8ish, my mom and sister started freaking out downstairs..! My sister ran upstairs and told me to go put clothes on...and I got up, still asleep...somewhat...with this huge confused look on my face which I kept for a while until I figured out what in the world is happening..turns out..someone broke into my grandparents house and stole a bunch of really valuable things. When I mean valuable.. I mean valuable..like money..and jewelry from family that was given to my grandparents when they were in Jordan. The idiots who broke in, made the biggest mess ever and when I saw it, my jaw dropped. I felt so bad for both of my grandparents. Everyone rushed to their house because they needed to be calmed down, My khalo Maher, Fares, Auntie Nawal and my cousin Bissan...then My mom and my siblings. Everyone kept calling too. My teta looked like she is about to cry...and I almost started to cry, She really didn't want to speak to anyone ... my Jedo looked disappointed and mad but he tries to be so positive and makes little jokes to make everyone laughs. My grandparents don't deserve this at all...no one deserves this to happen to them..
every time they work so hard for something to turn out right in their lives, something or someone has to ruin it for them. I only wish my grandparents the best ...I wish them happiness. All I want to see them do is smile ..because when they smile... it makes me smile.. its the greatest feeling :)
I hope they can as much back from what they got stolen.. my teta and Jedo are leaving next summer to go to Jordan and they need as much help as possible to get them back to where they were...money wise...
People are selfish. I guess it is their nature to be that way.. I am a little selfish in my own way but not like some people I know...some are way more than others.. it's amazing.. you'd be amazed
I miss my brother :(