General update

Jun 13, 2012 10:28

Gee, it's been ages since I've posted anything...

I've finally worked out (more or less) what I'm going to do for my Masters (studying fans, yay!), now I need to talk to some possible participants. I've got 2 already, but I need some more. It's really exciting. :)

Other that that I've got into a ton of new fandoms (so what else is new) and have been dividing my time reading fic and more academic stuff (and so far fic has been leading by a wide margin...).

This year tings are much better at work. Last year's kids were a lot of work, but this year I got a much nicer group. They're younger (mostly 10 and 11), so they don't have the same confrontational attitude of the older ones, thank god. And most of them are much more interested in class and are generally better behaved.

Right, so I better go get started on my final paper for this semester's course.

academic life, school, misc stuff

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