So I've seen episodes 1 and 2 of the new series, now with Matt Smith as the Doctor.
Well, I'm still not totally sold on him, though I quite like Amy as a companion.
Ep 1 was interesting. I loved the fact that Amy grew up making stories about the strange man who showed up in her backyard on day and disappeared after saying he'd be back in 5 minutes. We all know the Doctor is rubbish when it comes to getting the time right. And I loved that she gave him hell for it (the cricket bat) and didn't believe him right away just because he said so.
Ep 2 was a bit more meh. It started off quite well, but I think it lost a little steam in the middle. And I didn't need to be hit over the head with the Space Whale metaphor. Yes, it's just like the Doctor. I get it. I got it the first time, there was no need to tell me again and again. I loved Liz X, she was all kinds of awesome.
Daleks in ep 3. No wasting time, then, going straight for the big guns. Though I think I would appreciate the Daleks more if we didn't have the Doctor getting rid of them "for good" every single episode only to have them turn up again. It's getting old. If they're gonna keep coming back, then don't "destroy them all". Really.
Other random things:
Opening credits: not happy with the new opening song; I loved the old one. The new logo is okay, I guess, but I don't really like the new font for the actor's names. It's blocky and kinda hard to read.
The TARDIS: I like the new interior (though I'm not sure about the phone; that opens up a shitload of continuity issues). However, I'm expecting it to actually get *used*. I mean, I don't see the point of building this huge elaborate set just to have them in it for a minute in every ep. The exterior I didn't like. It's too shiny and perfect. The TARDIS is an old, rather battered ship; it just doesn't fit to have such a pristine look. The interior might be brand new, but we still get bits of old-looking things in it, and a lived-in sense. I just don't get that from the new shiny outside look.
Anyway, it's only been 2 eps. And I'm really excited about the new season; I'm sure it will get better as it continues.
I do hope Moffat won't completely ignore RTD's characters and canon. I will be really disappointed if there's no Jack at all. I'll give them this series, as they're establishing the new team/characters, arc and whatnot (like the first series with DT), but series 6 had better have at least one Jack episode in it, dammit.