Oct 31, 2004 15:10
well i have moved out of home finally, and well to say the least i am very stressed out, i am at my moms at the moment and thought i might catch up on my "internet"
i haven't slept in about 10 days and have become increasingly paranoid for no apararent reason, i feel like someone is after me, but i don't know who or why.
I moved in with my friend lauren for a week and then our other room mate kenny, his mother abused the fuck out of me and told me and lauren to get out of "her " sons house, and she also accused me of stealing, to which i abused the shit out of her and told her that i had gone shopping the day b4 and that i had brought all this food, then went on to tell her if anyone was stealing it was her son, as he had been smoking all of my smokes and eating all my food, i even brought 2 pizzas for the fat fuck! i am so sick of being fucked over it's getting on my nerves, i mean do i really need anyone else?????
i have moved in with my brother and everything seems to be working out ok, my paranoia doesn't go down well there, but i will wait till he kicks me out which is inevitable in the state i am in.
I went off my meds because well i just did.