Surfing the web and stumbled on this site. It's another of those 'we help you stalk people search' websites. If you want to block your information from their site, the link provided sends you to this
extortion page. As far as I can see, the is no link directly from this page to the
extortion-free method for blocking info. Also, this extortion-free way it is painfully cumbersome.
Honestly, this site probably doesn't give any more info than all the other stalker-aid sites. What got my back up is how they make it seem that you have to pay them money to make them take you out of the pool.
Googled the company - found articles written about them. Seems that this site,
Zabasearch is totally legal.
Legal or not, it's still doubletalk, underhanded, and unmitigated
Some days it does not pay to surf the net.
Oddly I think this is vaguely related to the incident
medie mentions
here. How? I think this supports the concerns of the injured party mentioned in the post.