Bleh, finally caught up on my f-list. It's been a while since I've taken the time to.
militarypenguin, are you going to give me your answers for that meme soon? I'd like to hear your thoughts on those characters.
I really need to get started on the next chapter of "Slow Mend." It's been way too long since I posted the last one. I blame video games for the delay. That, and I've been writing a Dissidia fanfic pairing Sephiroth and Kuja. Please, don't ask. My inner yaoi fangirl just finds them hawt together. Yes, I'm aware that I'm retarded. ~_~
Speaking of Dissidia, I finally got 012! Woohoo! I haven't started playing it yet, as I want to finish replaying the first one, but having it in my possession means it'll be there when I want it to be! Before I start 012, I'll have to go into the PSN and download the demo/prologue so I can unlock Aerith. Too bad she's assist-only and not fully playable.
The character I'm most interested in, at least when it comes to their fighting style, is Yuna. She's not exactly a fighter. In FFX, her main roles were healing the party and summoning Aeons. I think her only damaging non-Aeon spell was Holy. The description of her in the game booklet calls her the Grand Summoner, so I'm assuming her fighting style involves the Aeons. I'm wondering how such giant creatures will be factored into Dissidia-style combat. My interest is piqued, to say the least.
Back to fanfiction, one idea I've had bouncing around in my head for a few months is a series of vignettes involving the different endings of Silent Hill 2. That game really hit a nerve with me, and I'd like to pay some tribute to it. The only way I really can is to write fanfiction about it. Is anyone interested in reading something like that from me? MP, I know you're a big fan of SH2. Thoughts?