Nov 25, 2010 11:59
Happy Thanksgiving, all. :)
I get to be at work at 3:45 in the morning tomorrow. Target opens at 4:00, and openers have to be there 15 minutes ahead of time so we can get organized. Lucky me, I'm one of the opening cashiers. ~_~ I suppose it's the best shift on Black Friday, though. I work a full 8-hour shift, but I'm still scheduled off at barely after noon (12:15). That's a major upside to it. Plus, I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I heard that people scheduled to start before 6:30am are paid an extra $1.50 an hour. It'd be nice if that was the case. That combined with time-and-a-half holiday pay (which I'm pretty sure will be in effect) makes for a nice bonus on my next paycheck. W00t.
P.S. Scooter was neutered last Friday. Fun fact of the day: A neutered male cat is called a gib.
black friday,