Honey, December 1974. Photographed by Graham Hughes.
Ladies Home Journal November 1965
Honey, December 1974. Photographed by Graham Hughes.
Coat by Elgee, boots by Biba
Coat, skirt, hat and boots by Biba / Coat by Wallis, hat by Biba, boots by Chelsea Cobbler
Coat by Stephen Marks, hat by Biba, boots by Mary Graeme / Coat by Elgee, hat by Biba, boots by Chelsea Cobbler
Coat by Sheraton from Ronnie Stirling, hat by Fenwicks, boots by Mary Graeme
Cape by Elgee, boots by Mary Graeme
Coat by Wallis, hat from Fenwick, boots by Chelsea Cobbler / Cape from Just Looking, hat and boots from Biba
Ladies Home Journal November 1965