Джун о Хельмуте/ Helmut by June
Документальный фильм, 2007
Режиссер: Джун Ньютон
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Хельмут Ньютон (Helmut Newton) перевернул мир «модной» фотографии и наэлектризовал мир искусства тревожащими, чрезвычайно эротизированными изображениями, которые преобразовали женщин с сексуальными телами в изящные иконы. С его смертью закрылась одна из самых завораживающих страниц в истории фотографии. Как только ни припечатывали его творчество, какими возмущенно-брезгливыми эпитетами ни награждали очередные фото Ньютона. Он не реагировал, продолжая выстраивать из своих моделей самые причудливые композиции. Он искал - идею, ракурс, свет, точное движение, нужный поворот головы, выражение лица, позу...
В документальном фильме «Helmut by June» мы видим Ньютона таким, каким видела его через объектив видеокамеры его жена Джун Ньютон (June Newton), запечатлев своего мужа во время работы на многих съемках 90-х годов. Она часто делала искренние фотографии своего мужа в то время, когда он полностью погружался в творческий процесс. «Helmut by June» предлагает зрителям редкий закулисный взгляд на работу и возможность на мгновение заглянуть в частную жизнь художника.
Patti Hansen and Rene Russo, U.S. 'Vogue', Maui, Hawaii 1974
"Фотография - процесс совращения. Как бы ни был властен человек в жизни, в момент фотосъемки он принадлежит тебе целиком. Не всем фотографам удается совратить моделей. У моей жены и у многих других не получается. Они - честные фотографы. Я - нечестный."
Helmut Newton revolutionized fashion photography and electrified the art world with disturbing, highly eroticized images that transformed lush-bodied women into exquisite icons.
Dubbed the "King of Kink" by Time magazine, Newton died in 2004, leaving behind an influential and subversive body of work.
HELMUT BY JUNE portrays Newton's life as a photographer as seen through the lens of wife June Newton, who documented her husband at work at a number of shoots in the '90s.
The resulting portrait, distributed in Europe, was seen by devoted fan and Newton intimate Brett Ratner ("X-Men: The Last Stand"), who was determined to help bring it to a wider audience in the United States. Updated with opening commentary from June, which was filmed by executive producer Ratner. Using only the most basic camera equipment, Helmut Newton created haunting visual narratives set in a world saturated with sex, glamour and implied violence. While his photographs appeared frequently on the pages of glossy magazines, Newton was far more than a fashion photographer. He blurred the line between fine art and pornography with androgynous imagery, voyeuristic titillation and sado-masochistic scenarios.
June Newton, his devoted spouse for 56 years, turns the tables on Newton, opening a voyeuristic window into his complicated personal and creative life. At turns poignant, comical and unsettling, HELMUT BY JUNE paints a riveting portrait of photography's dark prince, who was equally comfortable on both sides of the camera. June follows Newton as he painstakingly stages scenes that blend fashion and fetishism to reflect his lifelong fascination with women who are simultaneously powerful and vulnerable. Always in complete control of his subjects, Newton describes the models in his photographs as "a commodity...paid to be made into what I want." Against the ultra-chic backdrops of Monte Carlo, Paris, Miami, Nice and Los Angeles, a who's who of fashion, including Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Karen Mulder, Helena Christiansen, Carla Bruni and Gianni and Donatella Versace, parades before Newton's skewed lens. Hollywood royalty, including Billy Wilder and Sigourney Weaver (in an iridescent green body suit and shaved head), as well as opera stars Jane Anderson and Luciano Pavarotti, also allow themselves to be transformed into figments of Newton's perverse imagination. His dissolute charm seduces even politicians, as Newton chortles about his "ultimate pin-up girl," Margaret Thatcher. "People want to get inside his head to see where the images come from," June observes. HELMUT BY JUNE documents the private side of a very public partnership, in addition to exploring Newton's extraordinary art. "Helmut did not only photograph his subjects...he directed them," says Ratner. "As his partner in life and in art, June brings unique insight into his artistic process and deepens our understanding of this genius of 20th-century photography." June Newton, Helmut's model, muse and wife, was born in Australia. A former actress, she is also a painter and photographer known as Alice Springs, whose work has been exhibited in London, Paris, Los Angeles and Milan. With her husband, she co- authored such books as "Them and Us" and "Mrs. Newton." June Newton continues to serve as art director for all of her late husband's exhibitions and books. (hbo.com review)
Фото из книги "The Best of Helmut Newton"
A cure for a black eye, Jerry Hall, Paris 1974
Patti Hansen and Rene Russo, U.S. 'Vogue', Maui, Hawaii 1974
Lisa fleeing, Key Biscane, Florida 1974
Loulou de la Falaise, Hotel Pont Royal, Paris 1975
Francoise Sagan, 'Adam' magazine, Conde Nast, Paris 1963
Jodie Foster, Hollywood 1987
French 'Vogue', 1970
French 'Vogue', Paris 1970
French 'Vogue', Paris 1975
French 'Vogue', Paris 1976
Italia 'Vogue', 1966
Giant and nude, Paris 1974
Grace Jones, Los Angeles 1985
Anita Ekberg in her garden, Genzano 1988
Arielle after a haircut, Paris 1982
Arielle, Monte Carlo 1982
Bernice Coppieters, soloist, Ballets de Monte Carlo, 1992
Birgit Nielsen, Monte Carlo Beach Hotel, 1987
British 'Vogue', 1967
British 'Vogue', 1967
British 'Vogue', London 1967
British 'Vogue', London 1967
Catherine Deneuve for a photo-essay in 'Nouvel Observateur', 1983
Catherine Deneuve, Paris 1976
Central Park West, New York 1977
Charlotte Ramping, Hotel Nord-Pinus, Aries 1973
Daryl Hannah with unidentified baby, Los Angeles 1984
David Lynch and Isabella Rossellini, Los Angeles 1992
Debra Winger, Los Angeles 1983
Elizabeth Taylor, Los Angeles 1985
Elsa Peretti, New York 1975
Domestic Nude I - in the kitchen, Hollywood 1992
Domestic Nude III - in the laundry room, Hollywood 1992
Fashion photo, Eija, Paris 1973 for 'Nova', London
For 'Nova', Paris 1973
For 'Nova', Paris 1973
For 'Oui' magazine, 1976
In a Photomaton booth, Paris 1974
In my hotel room, Montecatini 1988
In the New World, Prague 1988
In the Paris Metro, 'Oui' magazine, 1974
Jenny Kapitan, Paris 1978
June Newton, Paris 1972
Karl Lagerfeld, 1992
Leni Riefenstahl, near Munich 1992
Miami, Florida 1974
'Night Call', in a telephone booth, Paris 1974
Patti Hansen over Manhattan, 1977
Pere Lachaise, Tomb of Talma, Paris 1977
Princess Caroline of Monaco, Monte Carlo 1986
Roselyne, Arcangues, France 1974
Salvador Dali, Figueras 1986
Self-portrait with June and Models, Vogue studio, Paris 1981
'Sie kommen' Dressed, 1981
'Sie kommen' Naked, 1981
'Stern' magazine, 1974
'Stern' magazine, Monte Carlo 1983
Study for voyeurism, Los Angeles 1989
Suburban Pool, Melbourne 1973
Suzy at home, Paris 1974
Sylvia in my studio, Paris 1981
The 2 Violettas in bed, Paris 1981
The two Jesuses, Oberammergau 1990
Tied-up torso, Ramatuelle 1980
U.S. 'Vogue', Saint-Tropez 1975
Ute Lemper, Paris 1989
Woman examining man, Saint-Tropez 1975 for 'American Vogue'
Monica Belucci
Helmut Newton's Photos - 320 | 25.7 МБ
Глазное яблоко Ньютона - статья на сайте GQ
Хельмут Ньютон как зеркало высшего света - статья Георгия Кизельватера, Фотомагазин №7-8, 1998
По законам Ньютона - статья на сайте peoples.ru
Хельмут Ньютон в цитатах