Home is where the Heart is....

Nov 28, 2008 07:38

We had Thanksgiving yesterday... Brought SB and her mum to my Aunt's (I rarely spend Turkey Day with either parent because my parents are divorced and my dad rarely shows up to Turkey Day at his sister's) and what really struck me, or what is continually striking me throughout this visit, is how much this doesn't feel like home anymore. I mean it is great to see everyone, I really really miss hanging with my fam and the Stanbrooks (and I love how naturally I just become reincorporated into them)... but I think of myself as living in London now... which is so weird.. And part of me just wants to be home...

The tangentially connected part of that feeling is that, as much as SB was worried I would come home and not want to leave (thus not want to marry her), being here with her is making me love her more everyday...

Of course I wish she was awake so I could tell her that... or I wasn't awake so I would be getting sleep... but my cat, as much as I love him, woke me up at 5:30... when I was finally getting back to a normal sleeping pattern of waking at 8...

Wedding in 7 days 22 hours!  And there isn't a smile apt enough for how that makes me feel. : )


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