snagged from
starbuck1980 ... cause I thought it was a cool premise...
List your 5 current favourite TV shows and answer the following questions.
[1] Sarah Connor
[2] BSG
[3] Farscape
[4] B5
[5] X-Files
Why do I feel like I'm forgetting a show.. oh Xena... oh well... (you can tell I'm listening to the word 'current')
1. Who's your favourite character in #2?
Laura Roslin! Who is Just so cool! :
2. Who's your least favourite character in #1?
The Uncle Dude? Is there anyone unlikable in tSCc? Well I guess Penny (but not..) because she needs her British Accent
3. What's your favourite episode of #4?
Comes the Inquisitor. Hands Down. Because Delenn gets an ep! Granted she's tortured but it makes her accent come out more... (love Mira's accent)
4. What's your favourite season of #5?
Umm... whichever had War of the Cochrophages... or whatever.. which I guess is 4... I've been watching it back to back to back so other than Gillian Anderson hair styles I can't tell the difference....
5. Who are you favourite 'ship in #3?
John/Aeryn... you had to pick the one for which I have a dreadfully boring ship didn't you? (Although I always liked the Aeryn/Crais tension LOVE that scene in Hidden Memory...)
6. Who are your antiship in #2?
BSG? Um Roslin/Cottle.... cause ew! Although I'm not a huge Roslin/(Bill)Adama fan either... but they were cute at one point...
7. How long have you watched #1?
Since the beginning... Lena Headey and Summer Glau! But mostly Lena Headey! : )
8. How did you become interested in #3?
Somehow stumbled upon the ep 'Through the Looking Glass' which is hailed as the second worse ep of the series... but one of my favs.... And I know the sequence for full reverse... ; )
9. Who's your favourite actor/actress in #4?
Mira Furlan hands down... and I've watched her in other stuff too because she is awesome... even in that first ep she had in Lost before she became sort of a background character...
10. Which do you prefer; Season 1 of #2 or #5?
BSG... Because I started watching during Season 2 so going back (and watching with my sis) was really cool...
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of; #1 or #3?
Umm.. Farscape.. because Sarah Connor is still a newbie... and I've seen the first few seasons of FS more than once...
12. If you could be anyone from #4, who would you be?
Well as much as Delenn rocks I would not want to ever undergo what she did... not to mention marrying Sheridan... eww!! Maybe Zathras... Zathras can be crazy and still be Zathras... And then he goes and helps out Sinclair... Sinclair was cool...
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in #1?
I agree with SB, why so you insist on killing off a fav character... cause the answer would be old age or something that doesn't hurt... but in Sarah Connor it would be um.. hum... Terminator most likely... or Cancer... And either would kill the show a bit...
14. Give a random quote from #5.
Gods there was a great one I was laughing at hysterically the night before... I don't remember though...
15. Which character in #2 do you love to hate/dislike?
Cavil...Because he is so singlemindedly ignorant... but also he is a machine so pretending not to be human would seem like the thing to do... I wrote a diss on the cylons so that is a very loaded answer for me...
16. Would a #3/#4 crossover work?
I think I may have written one... *mentally searches brain* well maybe not a serious one... I have a ton of wacked out crossovers... but yes... it would involve a time vortex though... which is cheating a bit..
17. Pair 2 characters in #1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Sarah and the Detective dude? Although the slash part of me says Sarah and Cameron.. but I'm not quite sold on that yet... Would be an interesting couple, just haven't read/thought of the fic yet..
18. Has #5 inspired you in any way?
Other than the realization that Xena wasn't the only strong female character out in the early 90s... not really... but Scully rocks...
19. Overall, which show has a better cast; #2 or #4?
Wow that is hard... two large ensemble casts that kick ass... I'm going to say B5 though... as much as I love BSG, I think it is the writing more that the cast in its entirety... not that the cast doesn't kick ass...
20. Which has better theme music; #3 or #5?
Um.. Farscape... although both are wacky in their own way... But Farscape has more emotional resonance in the intro theme itself...