Jun 11, 2005 17:14
so i'm back in florence, sitting in the same internet cafe that i did the first day that i was in italy. i leave siena (and Italy) in 7 days. SEVEN DAYS! That's nuts. it's so strange being in florence, knowing where everything is, how to speak italian, how to use italian keyboards, etc etc and realize that in 7 days i won't really need those skills for quite some time.
after italy i'm going up to dublin, and london, and then over to paris for like a week. hopefully in that week i'll be able to take a quick trip up to Amsterdam...for the...views...
got sweet shit at the San Lorenzo Market today. 10 radass t-shirts for a bunch of guy friends. I hat and keychain for my dad (they're really nice. Don't hate. I'm not cheap!). Also another keychain for my mom. A Italia track jacket for my brother (finally) and and and, the coolest, this carved wooden pipe for when i get back and am actually able to get my hands on some..view. you know what i'm talkin about.
dyed my hair dark again and have been getting so much more attention from the italians. that's a plus? i guess? think i'm gonna head back to siena now. roomies were all drunk and had to be taken care of lastnight, so i think there must be some payback in order.
oh also, i read the davinci code and angels and demons, both only taking an afternoon. ya wanna know why!? oh, cause Dan Brown writes like an 11th grader...if that.