Title: You tell a beautiful lie
Song: Beautiful Lie by Yoav and Keemo & Tim Royko feat Cosmo Klein mix
Fandom: Fringe
Character: Peter&AltLivia (Liv)
Note: this song is just perfect for Liv. that's all! it's Liv and Peter story
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Title: My Mind Holds The Key
Song: My Body is a Cage by Arcade Fire
Fandom: Fringe
Character: Peter&AltLivia (Liv)
Note: this video is a collab with the amazing
jojokersinaXF. Jo is my Fringe soul mate.
It's a Au video and every scene with Anna Torv is intented to be showing Liv (altLivia) there is no Olivia in our story, she doesn't existed. We love her but that's how the story works for us.
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here's the story, in case something isn't clear;
On the other side Peter and Liv fall in love after being introduced by his father
When Peter decided to escape with Walter, Liv helps his and tries to leave with them, but a explosion tears them apart and Liv ends up being left being.
Now on the run Liv finds out she's pregnant. With some help from ghost!Peter she breaks into the lab in Long Island and tries again to cross to the other universe but is caught, and Walternate finds out she's caring a child.
After months of imprisonment and experimenting, Liv finaly has her baby only to have him taken away. Soon after, she takes an opportunity to escape, and finally crosses over to meet Peter.
Without having to worry about the parent of the child, Walternate handles his grandchild to his wife. While Liv and Peter, together again, try to deal with the situation.
if anyone wants a download link of one of the videos let me know